First Day Procedures for Kindergarten
Welcome to Kindergarten at Rio Seco!
The first day of school is Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Please meet in the Multi-Purpose Room with your child between 8:30 am and 8:45 am. Each teacher will have a table labeled with her name. Arrive early because there will be a sign in process to come on campus.
You will be able to find out who your child’s tentative teacher will be the day before school. You should receive an email or message from the school with more information.
You will meet your child's teacher, have a brief meeting about some of our school procedures, and get answers to your questions. Then you will have a chance to walk your child to the Kindergarten Playground to see where your child will line up the next morning and say goodbye before letting your child begin their learning adventure!
The first day of school is a full day (8:30-2:20) with lunch. You may pack a lunch for your child, or they may get a school lunch from the cafeteria. All breakfast and lunches are free!
Thank you,
The Kinder Crew